
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Just 21 Minutes {SOL 3.3.21}

Like many others, my to-do list these days is a mile long.

Just this morning, I was writing today's list of things I needed to get done in my journal and I ran out of lines. (It's going to be a really busy day apparently!)

But as I looked down my list, everything I had written there had something to do with work:

  • New course
  • Send chat to Tim
  • Logo design in Canva
  • Start new website
  • Research Medium
  • Write 300 words on the book

And while these things are certainly important, I wondered where the 'me' time was.

The other day, I read somewhere about taking time to read for pleasure for 21 minutes every day in 2021. Just 21 minutes. I could certainly squeeze that in!

I started yesterday and read 21 minutes of a novel that I have been wanting to read for a while, but always pushed it to the side to read some book that will help me with my business. 

These 21 minutes felt like a total indulgence...and I loved it!

The funny thing is that after my 21 minutes were up, I went back to work with a different attitude. I tackled more of those things on my to-do list with a little more energy. I didn't feel so drained. 

It's funny how just 21 minutes can do that.

I am a former 4th-grade teacher and the founder of Teach Write LLC. I believe that teachers who write make the best teachers of writers.   


  1. I saw this yesterday, too - I wish I could remember where it was! I thought about how simple that indulgence could be! Hope you get lots done in your ay and in your 21 minutes!

  2. I’m going to try this strategy w/ reading novels. You’d think I’d have oodles of time as a retired education, but I’ve struggled reading novels during the pandemic. Now w/ SOL and the notebooking group, and next month’s poetry challenge, reading novels is sitting in the back burner. ‘Preciate the tip.

  3. I think I will incorporate this with a twist— 21 minutes of walking and listening to an audiobook. Great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I think I will incorporate this with a twist— 21 minutes of walking and listening to an audiobook. Great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I love this idea - just 21 minutes. I also find I'm refreshed and ready to tackle work when I take a little time for myself. Good luck with that to-do list!

  6. I love this idea. I always struggle to carve out me time because I feel responsible for getting all my “jobs” done. 21 minutes seems doable. I’m definitely going to try this out. Thanks for sharing!

  7. So interesting! I once learned that for children to get into their play they need 20 minutes. And in a creativity class we learned that you can be creative in just 10. Your post is a great reminder to us to shift gears and the benefit of a refreshed attitude.

  8. It is an interesting amount of time, a beautiful number. I am glad you took the time for reading.

  9. Jen, I love this! One year, my Goodreads goal was to read 52 books - before the kiddo, of course. I succeeded, but I knew the following year that I would have to drastically lower my goal. Since committing to my writing identity last year, I've really placed reading on the back burner. My goal has now been "Britt, just try to finish one book a month" LOL. I absolutely love this idea of 21 minutes - knowing me, I will request Google set a timer. If there's intention, a goal, an end in sight, I'm more likely to do it (and probably keep going past 21 minutes!).

    Thanks for sharing this tip :)

  10. Just reading your list makes me tired.

    21 minutes is manageable. I should think about that more often. I am glad that you took time to read! What are you reading?

    I have found that I do better as a writer as well when I set a timer for myself and actually stick to the task.

  11. Love the 21 minutes! Thank you...I will have to try this

  12. Hello, friend! 21 minutes makes such a difference! That's nearly two-miles in walking talk : ) Love that you are taking time to read.

  13. Reading for pleasure is so important and I am glad you found the time to do it! I am glad you are finding ways to work in "me time" because that's just as important for keeping up your productivity as anything else. Thanks for sharing Jen.

  14. I love this idea of reading 21 minutes. I remember a few years back when I started really trying to be business-minded, I did the same thing that you seem to have done and made myself read more personal growth and business books. I quickly realized that this was unsustainable and I wasn't me without reading for pleasure. I am glad you discovered the perfect way to take a break and be re-invigorated with your business goals.

  15. Someone mentioned your Slice about 21 minutes the other day. I love this idea. I'm glad you were rejuvenated after the 21 minutes. Thanks you for sharing.


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