Thursday, August 10, 2017

The JOY of Cooking

I think I'm experiencing a sort of "nesting."

You may be familiar with the concept of nesting as it pertains to pregnant women. Right before labor, moms get this overwhelming urge to prepare their home for the arrival of their baby. They clean, organize and do other preparations to create a welcoming home for their new one.

The thing is though -- I'm not pregnant.

As a matter of fact, my two children are both leaving for college in a few weeks. My husband and I will be EMPTY nesters.

So why do I think I'm nesting?

As my kids are getting ready to leave, I'm feeling the overwhelming urge to send a bit of home with them. To create mementos of home that will remind them of our nest and all the love it holds for them.

Food is one way I find myself doing this.

As the number of home-cooked meals they have left to enjoy is counting down, I find myself wanting to make their favorites (fettuccini alfredo with chicken, terriyaki chicken, PMS Pie...).

Last week, I baked their favorite cookies (soft pumpkin).

This week, I've made four batches of jam (strawberry x 2, blackberry and mixed berry) so they would have some to take to school with them.
I have always found that cooking is one way I show my love for those I care about. It brings me great JOY to cook or bake something for someone else to enJOY.

So as my baby birds are getting ready to fly away from our nest, I will continue to stuff their bellies with the goodness of home. It is my hope that once they are out in the world and they think back to their time at home, they will feel JOY remembering the taste of home.


What does JOY mean to you? What brings you JOY? How do you sprinkle JOY in your day? Write about it and share your post with the #TeachWrite community by linking up to our blog here.
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1 comment:

  1. Your cookies sound super yummy and your jam looks delicious! The sharing of food, especially homemade goodies, always brings comfort and joy. Your kiddos are lucky and I wish I lived closer!!! ;)


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