Saturday, January 24, 2015

Celebrating Sunrises {1-24-15}

Saturday mornings are my favorite day of the week.  I get up early, pour a big cup of coffee, and settle in for some "me" time.  Saturdays are also the day when we can all share our weekly celebrations with Celebrate This Week and Ruth Ayres.  Thanks, Ruth!
This week, I am celebrating sunrises.

Of course, by sunrises, I do mean the natural event that happens each morning.  I'm noticing the sun coming up earlier every day and that makes my heart happy.

But I also mean other more figurative sunrises...

The sun rising on another year of life for my son, who turned 17 on Thursday.  My dad and sister also celebrated another year of sunrises this past week and I will celebrate on Tuesday.

The sun rising on my writing.  My friend, Heather, gave me this as a gift.  It was the push I needed to get back at it and tell my story.
This past week, I began working on a book that I've had rolling around in my head for a long time.  It is exciting, but also a bit scary to put the words down on paper.

What sunrises are you celebrating this week?


  1. Your celebration makes me realize how appreciative we should be of sunrises yet so easily take them for granted. Have a great week! My sunrise

  2. I've never thought of birthdays as sunrises. You have totally shifted my thoughts. I love that analogy. Isn't it great when our friends push us at just the right place?. Enjoy your sunrise on Tuesday.

  3. Writing a book is a big bold step. I admire you for being a risk-taker.

  4. Love this. We celebrated 15 years of sunrises for my daughter this week. Nothing better to celebrate!

  5. I love those sunrises that are coming earlier and the sunsets that hold off a few more minutes at night. It is nice not to be always in the dark on the way to and from work. Congratulations on starting with a new writing idea!

  6. Hi Jennifer, wonderful connection to 'sunrises', and yours this week are quite awesome. Congrats for all of them!

  7. Yay for you for starting on a book. And I love that your celebration helped me think about sunrises in a broader way. Agree- Saturday mornings are wonderful. Mine also include coffee and some me time- which for me is writing and then exercise. Good luck with the book!

  8. Sunrises?!?! I love this!!! What a beautiful gift...the actual gift and the nudge to return to your writing. YAY!!!! Thank you for sharing your sunrises! :)

  9. Sunrise, Sunset, Sunrise, Sunset (from Fiddler on the Roof)
    I love it! I also love your gift and nudge from your friend. Can't wait to see what is to come!
    Have a great weekend filled with sunrises!


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