Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sometimes I'm Lucky {SOL 9.13.16}

Sometimes I'm lucky....

To overhear a student share an enthusiastic (and unsolicited) book recommendation with a fellow classmate.

Sometimes I'm lucky....

To spot a hummingbird drinking nectar from a hollyhock, just as I am heading off to school.

Sometimes I'm lucky....

To see the excitement of my class when every student scores 95% or higher on our first timed multiplication quiz of the year.

Sometimes I'm lucky....

To have my students moan and complain when I put the bookmark back in our read aloud book because they want to know what happens next and can't wait until tomorrow.

Sometimes I'm lucky....

To get a hug or a "hello" from a younger student who passes me in the hallway, even though I don't know them by name.

Sometimes I'm lucky....

To spy tree frog who is peeping in my classroom window.

Sometimes, if I'm really lucky, all of these things happen in the same week.


  1. What optimism and joy in this post! Love the frog who hopped on by...maybe he was listening to the read aloud too!

  2. It's sounds like you're surrounded with a bit of serendipity too! The froggy is so cute! Thanks for sharing the joy. Enjoy your week, Jennifer!

  3. A lot of lucky, but also a lot of living aware. Beautiful.

  4. A lot of lucky, but also a lot of living aware. Beautiful.

  5. Lucky indeed! And it really is those small things that mean the most...like moans and groans, and hugs and frogs!

  6. We're lucky you shared. It makes us think of lucky moments, too.

  7. We're lucky you shared. It makes us think of lucky moments, too.

  8. I love the sometimes I'm lucky phrase...all those things are lucky sights. I might have to try this out for myself because it's healthy to think positively.


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