Saturday, September 26, 2015

Celebrate This Week {9-26-15}

Sometimes, celebrations come to you in a whisper...

* Spying a hot air balloon in the sky on my way to school.

* Seeing a rare albino Whooping Crane eating breakfast in the field.

* Blackberries still fruiting in the garden.

* An amazing sunset.

And sometimes they come to you in a roar...

* My daughter sticking true to her choice to go to homecoming with someone, even though some of her "friends" have been giving her a hard time about her decision to go with this boy.  I am proud of her for going with her heart on this one.

* The book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert arrived in my mailbox on Tuesday and I have hated to put it down.  I'm not sure....but I think this book was written specifically with me in mind.  There are so, so many words that speak directly to my heart and mind contained within the pages of this book.  A must read for everyone!
Thank you, Ruth Ayres, for opening up this space for celebrations both quiet and loud.

Have a great week!


  1. Hurray for blackberries (not sure that's a whisper celebration) and for daughter's decision to follow her heart!

  2. I continue to LOVE the book Big Magic. It's fun sharing tweets with you about it. I'm trying to savor it, so it lasts!!

  3. I will have to grab Big Magic. It sounds intriguing. Those whispers are awesome.

  4. Between you and Michelle, I have been persuaded, quite easily I might add, to purchase that book. I am dipping my feet back into the water again. Hopefully I will get back with you two soon! I have missed our Saturday talks.

  5. Wonderful to hear that you saw an albino whooping crane. I've had the pleasure one time in my life & count myself lucky. I'm sure you're proud of your daughter-good for her making a personal choice without friends interrupting. And thanks for the book red-will look for it, Jennifer.

  6. I celebrate with you and with your daughter. I'll look for the Gilbert book.
    My Celebrate the Week

  7. That book has been on my radar, but I didn't get it yet... I think I'm going to have to!
    Love these celebrations. :-)


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