When I started the Daily Writing Project (DWP) a mere five days ago, I had no idea the response I would get.
I started the DWP because I needed a way to be accountable for returning to the page every day. I had fallen away from my daily writing (due to the 'busyness' of life and other lame excuses...) and wanted to get back at it.
Sharing my daily writing online was a way to be held accountable, even if only to myself.
Inviting others to join me on the DWP journey was a way maybe help others write every day and even build a little community in the process.
Well..it's working.
Others have contacted me and told me that the DWP was the spark they needed to get back to their own writing.
And they are inviting others to join their accountability circle.
Writers UNITE!
Looking to join in? Here's the info:
Unite was a great word for me today. I worked on this post all throughout the day. Finally finished it. Thanks for the inspiration . https://reflectionsontheteche.com/2017/09/17/daily-writing-habit-unite/