Friday, March 20, 2015

Creating Memories {SOL Day 20: 3-20-15}

I am so inspired by this SOL community! This SOL challenge has been a reminder to me that I need to take more time to notice the little things in life.  Thank you, everyone!

On Tuesday, this post by Jaana, got me thinking.  She wrote about 17 reasons that she writes.  Each and every one of her reasons rang true for me, but I especially liked reason #11:  "Writing creates lasting memories."

For me, this idea is threefold.

One, by writing down the experiences of my life, I am creating a piece of myself that can be shared for years to come with my family long after I'm gone.  Oh, how I wish I had a journal of my grandmother's to read or the love letters that my great grandpa wrote his new bride!  These would be ways I could get to know a part of my family that I had never met.

Two, in the very act of writing, I am reliving the memories of my life.  As I choose the words to put down on the paper, the pictures and emotions of the event are new again.  They flow through my mind as a movie of my life.

Three, I can easily relive these memories long after they've past just by flipping through my journal and reading.  Moments that I may have forgotten come back to life in my words and I am transported back in time.  So many of these memories may have been lost if they were not written down.

For some, writing doesn't matter.  But for me, it is a part of who I am -- my past, my present, and my future.


  1. All excellent reasons to write! We all have unique stories and writing matters. My life has been enriched by writing.

  2. You are so right. I heard Kate DiCamillo speak today and she had much to say about why she writes, including that writing helps her feel connected and allows her to continue to ponder questions in her life.

  3. You are so right. I heard Kate DiCamillo speak today and she had much to say about why she writes, including that writing helps her feel connected and allows her to continue to ponder questions in her life.


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