Sunday, March 27, 2016

I Remember Easter {#SOL16 Day 27}

I remember Easter....

Waking up early to find where all of the eggs were hidden, only to see my dad walking around in his underwear, hiding the eggs.

The year there was nail polish in my Easter basket.  I felt so grown up, even though I was only 8.

Getting dressed for church, my sister and I in matching dresses, my little clutch purse full of raisins to keep me quiet during the service.

My aunt's Italian easter bread with colorful eggs tucked inside its braid.

The year I found out there wasn't an Easter bunny, but my mom reassured me that I would always have an Easter basket for as long as I lived with her.

I remember Easter.


  1. We are about to go hide 1000 eggs! Age range from 21 to 9 -and they are all getting a basket. You never grow too old for the Easter Bunny. Enjoy

  2. Did you ever wonder as a child why such fun and delicious bread was only made once a year? My grandmother made paska (Ukrainian) and it melted in my mouth... but only for Easter. May we never be too old ...

  3. Awww! This gave me happy chills-the little clutch purse with raisins, the nail polish...such perfect details!

  4. Love this slice of Easters past. I loved seeing the kids at our Easter brunch yesterday walking in with their Easter baskets. And your mom's reassurance - priceless!

  5. Oh the memories! You've painted such a vivid picture. Thank you for sharing and HAPPY Easter!

  6. What a beautiful stroll down memory lane. Not only did I enjoy reading about your Easter past, but I had some flashbacks of my own.

  7. Love this slice and of your memories from past Easters! My mom always still had baskets for me too ... and sometimes still has little things for me now, too! Happy Easter!


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