Thursday, March 24, 2016

Positively Thursday {#SOL16 Day 24}

Thursdays are the days that I love to share positive thoughts.  I call it Positive Thinking Thursday.

This week's positive thoughts are dedicated to all of us teachers.  I am honored to be a part of such a life changing profession.

 To all of you superheroes -- have a great day!


  1. Thank you for starting my way in such a positive way. Enjoying your inspirations.

  2. Thank you for the positive post! It's been a busy, short work week in our library!

  3. I look forward to your Thursday posts every week! Next year I would love to share these sayings/mantras with the teachers in my building too. Thanks for adding sunshine to my Thursday!

  4. Your positive Thursdays always inspire me! Thank you for being such an inspiration!

  5. I love your Thursday inspirations, Jennifer. Thank you!

  6. Reading and smiling. Thank you!

  7. As always, my favorite day of the week. I look forward to seeing one next week when we won't be in school! I kept the one from today and hung it with my other favorites right by my computer! xoxo


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