Sunday, March 13, 2016

Playtime {#SOL16 Day 13}

Yesterday was a beautiful day. The temperature rose into the low 60's and the wind was calm.

As I was walking back up the driveway from my afternoon walk, I heard a strange buzz.  Is it a new bird call? I thought to myself.  A giant bee? An ultralight flying overhead? No, it was my son, Ryan, out flying his mini drone he got for Christmas.

"Hey mom, you want to fly it?" he asked.

I put down the handful of mail I was carrying.  We live on five acres in the country with no neighbors nearby so I figured it was safe to give it a chance.  "Sure."

Ryan landed his drone and handed me the control, giving me a quick tutorial on how to fly the little plastic contraption.

As I played with the levers, the drone flip flopped through the air, occasionally stopping to bounce or cartwheel on the ground.

"Give it more gas, mom."

As I pushed one of the levers forward, the drone took off.  Ryan chased it through the front yard as it was getting away from me.  We both laughed.  "How do I make it turn around?" I yelled to him through my laughter.

"Twist the lever on the right!"

As I did, the drone took a sharp right and crashed into the crabapple tree, dropping to the ground.

"Try again," Ry said, picking up the drone and setting it upright.

I did and this time the drone took off and kept flying higher and higher.

"Uh oh!" Ryan yelled as he began running off through the yard, chasing the drone.

We both laughed as the drone moved higher.  "Bring it back down," Ry yelled from across the yard.

"How do I do that?" I yelled back.

"Twist the lever!"

I did and the buzz of the drone stopped, sending it crashing to the ground in a free fall.

"Here, Ry, I don't think it's a good idea for me to fly this thing." I handed the controller back to Ryan as he walked back towards me with the drone.

"Awwww, you did great, mom!"  Ryan and I both laughed again at the silliness of his comment.  He took the controller back.

I stood and watched him fly for a few minutes and thought about how it's been such a long time since Ryan and I played or laughed together....My 18 year old and I.  So many of our conversations and time spent together lately  revolve around college discussions, summer jobs and scholarships.  Many of these conversations are stressful and disagreeable.

I miss the little boy who used to play Uno or build Thomas the Tank Engine layouts with me.  I'm glad we had this chance to play.


  1. This sounds like a perfect day! No matter how young or old your child is, playtime is just a beautiful thing, isn't it? I love your voice in this piece!

  2. I have 14 and 16 year old sons - so I can relate to this completely! Finding time to play, laugh and do things together is so hard now. We try but it is hard. Thank you for reminding me through this beautifully written piece.

  3. I miss those times with my grandson, almost 15, Jennifer. It's nice that you did have this time, and that you recognized it for the "now" unique pleasure. Glad you shared with us.

  4. Aww such a sweet slice! What a good sport your son is? You taught him well. Glad you were able to have some playtime with him!

  5. Such a fun time for you and Ryan. I can't believe that he's 18, as I"m sure you're feeling the same. I am so happy that you two were able to laugh and enjoy some fun together. It's so hard sometimes when there are so many things that need to be discussed....!!! :)

  6. A precious time shared Jennifer. Your words have captured so well. A moment of playfulness between adults, between mother and son. Through your words the moment is forever there to savour.

  7. A precious time shared Jennifer. Your words have captured so well. A moment of playfulness between adults, between mother and son. Through your words the moment is forever there to savour.


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