Thursday, March 17, 2016

Positive Thinking Thursday {#SOL16 Day 17}

It's Thursday, which means it's time for a weekly dose of positive thinking.  Since today is also St. Patrick's Day, this week's thoughts are inspired by all things 'lucky.'

And finally, my wish for you today:


  1. Thank you for the uplifting wishes! Wishing you a beautiful day.

  2. Thanks, Jennifer. Each one is a nice smile for today! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you, also.

  3. Simply beautiful! My favorite is the last one. Thank you and I hope you had a delightful day.

  4. These quotes were fun and refreshing for St. Patrick's Day! I wish I had read them before school today; but I can share them with my kiddoes tomorrow.

  5. I loved what you had laid out for us today for Positive Thinking Thursday!!! :) Thanks for making Thursdays so happy to look forward to!


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